The Art of Designing Lo-Fi

I was having a conversation recently with someone in my industry. The issue of usability testing came up. Specifically, they mentioned that perhaps they might not have time to run usability tests in the midst of just GSD (getting s**t done). I get it. I’ve felt that pressure. With so many things coming at you on a daily basis, you never really feel like you have time to focus and dig into a meaty problem. My answer though, was that I’ve never really been in a scenario where some kind testing wasn’t possible. It’s simply a matter of scale.

 Eric Barker wrote a really great post that touches on this topic. Go read it and come back if you haven’t seen it. Continue reading “The Art of Designing Lo-Fi”

The Art of Designing Lo-Fi

3 Simple UX Tips to Help Improve Your Product

Earlier I wrote about how UX design is about “curing diseases”. So to totally contradict that post (HA!), not every UX project needs to be a huge, dragged out project. When approaching any project/product, there are a few simple things that I consider first. These simple tips/tricks/hacks can help any kind of product whether it’s for enterprise or consumer, mobile apps or desktop software. Timelines are, of course, up to you. Continue reading “3 Simple UX Tips to Help Improve Your Product”

3 Simple UX Tips to Help Improve Your Product

Curing the disease vs. treating the symptoms: Why good UX intentions can fail

Let’s start off by first saying this: nobody ever sets out to intentionally create bad UX. But it happens. A lot! Even with the best of intentions, people can make really bad decisions regarding the UX of their products. Here’s why. Continue reading “Curing the disease vs. treating the symptoms: Why good UX intentions can fail”

Curing the disease vs. treating the symptoms: Why good UX intentions can fail